
Where Do You Put Hashtags On Twitter

Are you lot utilising hashtags to get maximum exposure for your brand or client's Twitter account?

If you're not using hashtags, your content is going to sink into a sea of tweets. On the other hand, if yous're using too many hashtags, your message is going to lose its value.

In this guide, you'll learn how to find and use the correct hashtags on Twitter that are relevant to your client's audition.

A brief intro to Twitter hashtags and how we use them today

What is a hashtag?

Hashtags originated on Twitter in 2007, but present they're used on other social media platforms, especially Instagram, as well as TV and Video campaigns.

A hashtag comprises 2 parts: the hash symbol - # - sometimes called the pound symbol in the U.s.a. - immediately followed by a keyword or phrase. For instance, putting the # symbol in forepart of the words 'Globe Cup' (without a space) makes it a hashtag: #WorldCup.

Why use hashtags?

Hashtags are a handy way of group and categorising tweets, and they help people follow topics in which they're interested. Anyone searching for a specific topic can discover relevant tweets immediately rather than having to curlicue through their Twitter feed.

Twitter's research found that tweets with hashtags increased engagement - clicks, retweets, favourites, and replies - for individuals and brands:

Tweets with hashtags can increase appointment by almost 100% (2x) for individuals and 50% (1.5x) for brands.

So you lot should use hashtags to help people observe and engage with your content.

When should I employ hashtags on Twitter?

Y'all tin apply a hashtag whenever you're referring to a specific topic. For instance, you lot could use hashtags for:

  • Events: #TrumpUKVisit, #Wimbledon, #CMIWorld
  • Places: #NYC, #London
  • Themes: #ThursdayThoughts
  • Things: #coffee, #computers, #cars
  • Verbs: #golfing, #cooking, #writing
  • Industry terms: #socialmedia, #photography, #tech

You'll also see hashtags used for Twitter Chats; for example, #QChat, #SEMRushChat.

When shouldn't I use hashtags on Twitter?

Don't employ hashtags in your adverts if you're trying to drive traffic to your website. Twitter plant that adverts without a #hashtag or @mention generate 23 percent more clicks. Unsurprisingly, their best practice states:

Avoid #hashtags or @mentions in your copy so that your audience does non click away from your advertisement.

How to use hashtags on Twitter

Here are iii hashtag tips to follow:

  • You can use ane or more hashtags anywhere in your tweet. Twitter recommends using no more than two hashtags per Tweet, but you're free to use every bit many as you wish.
  • Don't employ spaces in a hashtag. For example, '#Earth Cup' would reference the topic of 'World' as opposed to '#WorldCup', which references the 'World Cup'.
  • Don't use punctuation in a hashtag. For case, #It'sComingHome won't work, although it'south grammatically correct. Use #ItsComingHome instead.

Now you know the what, why, and when of hashtags, allow's see how you can contain them in your posts.

How to discover trending and popular Twitter hashtags

There'due south no betoken in using a hashtag if nobody is searching for it. To help you find trending and popular hashtags for your tweets, apply these tools.

1. Twitter

The first place to bank check for trending hashtags is Twitter.

On the left-hand sidebar under your profile, you'll find a personalised list of the Top 10 Trends:

Trending hashtags and events on Twitter

Annotation: some of these trends are topics rather than hashtags.

The trends are tailored to y'all based on your location and who you follow:

Trends are tailored based on location and following

If you don't like what you come across, yous can click on 'Alter' to select another location:

Select a different location for Twitter trends

Pro Tip: The Twitter mobile app starts with the Peak 5 Trends :

Twitter mobile app trends

Merely you can tap on 'Show more' to reveal a list of the Height xx:

Twitter mobile app trends show up to 20 results

2. Hashtagify

Hashtagify is a brilliant tool for finding both trending and pop hashtags. It allows you to discover the all-time hashtags to reach your audience, gives you lot custom suggestions, and helps you find your influencers and competitors.

Enter a hashtag yous're interested in using. For example, let's stick with the #WorldCup:

Hashtagify dashboard for hashtag search

And y'all'll come across results for:

  • Popularity = 79.v%
  • Recent Popularity = 83.eight%
  • Month Trend = +31%
  • Calendar week Trend = -3%

Underneath those results are suggestions for related hashtags:

Related hashtags on Hashtagify

Followed by the popularity trend for the past few weeks:

Hashtagify's popularity trend for hashtags

Hashtagify also informs you of the top influencers related to your hashtag:

Top influencers for each hashtag

Other useful insights include the elevation countries and languages using the hashtag, to help with geo-specific letters. Plus, in that location'southward a Tweets Wall with a snapshot of current Tweets using the hashtag.

The premium plans offer more features and information including an extended listing of the superlative influencers, hashtag suggestions for your posts, plus the option to bookmark your favourite hashtags.

3. Trendsmap

Trendsmap shows you the latest trends from Twitter, for anywhere in the world. Click on a word or a hashtag on the map, and you'll get results for that location.

For instance, clicking on the word 'rescued' in Canada displays the trending Calgary results for the heroic Thailand cave rescue:

Trendsmap hashtag and trend search

Movement the map over to the UK and click on #WorldCup to see all the latest trending tweets on the football world cup taking identify in Russian federation:

Trends search for #WorldCup with Trendsmap

Using Trendsmap, you lot can see how different locations are reacting and discussing trending topics. Armed with that data, you tin can create letters that are more likely to get discovered past your target audience.

iv. RiteTag

RiteTag is some other excellent tool for checking both trending and popular hashtags. For instance, when you enter the term 'social media', RiteTag produces two lists.

For instant trending results, use the green-coloured hashtags to get seen now:

Ritetag popular hashtag search for Twitter

For long-term popular results, apply the blue-coloured hashtags to become seen over time:

Ritetag's search for popular hashtags over time

Also useful is the hashtags not to use:


And, if yous like visuals, there'due south a give-and-take map of connections and stats near your selected hashtag:

Ritetag's hashtag cloud

Using RiteTag, you get the complete picture for each hashtag.

Finding trending and pop hashtags is one affair, just that doesn't hateful you have to employ them.

What are the popular Twitter hashtags?

Studies have shown that tweets which include hashtags are 33% more likely to be retweeted than those without them. But which specific hashtags are most likely to help yous gain traction on the platform?

  • According to inquiry past Hubspot, the almost used and popular hashtags tend to exist very full general and tin be used by most brands. They include:
  • #competition
  • #influencer
  • #influencermarketing
  • #fridayfeeling
  • #MondayMotivation
  • #tbt
  • #wcw
  • #thursdaythoughts
  • #traveltuesday
  • #blessed
  • #goals
  • #vegan
  • #fitness
  • #science
  • #fintech

    When deciding which hashtags to include in your posts, remember the rule of relevancy - volition your audience appreciate a mail based effectually the subject area of this hashtag? This also applies to hashtags which are trending, or popular inside your niche.

How to check the relevancy of your Twitter hashtags

Check how relevant hashtags are before using the on Twitter

Forcing hashtags into your tweets to concenter attention amounts to spam.

For example, if you choose to apply a trending hashtag like #WorldCup, merely your bulletin and possible link have nothing to do with the FIFA World Cup, then you've gained the incorrect attention and audition. Fifty-fifty worse, if enough people complain, Twitter might cake your account. So don't go there!

In curt, your hashtags need to be relevant to the content you're posting.

Here are 3 ways to make certain they laissez passer the relevancy test:

1. Cheque the definition of existing hashtags

If you come across a hashtag, but you lot're non too sure what it ways and whether it's relevant to your client'due south brand, then you could check the definition in TagDef.

For example, enter the hashtag #contentmarketing, and y'all'll see the definition below:

Tagdef provides definitions for popular hashtags

ii. Cheque what hashtags influencers use

If one or more respected influencers in your industry or niche are using a hashtag, then at that place's a skillful run a risk information technology'due south relevant. Only you tin nevertheless brand your own check.

Enter the hashtag in the Twitter search bar:

Twitter search for #VideoMarketing hashtag

And see what content is beingness posted:

image source: Wave Video Twitter

Incidentally, the hashtag was used more 400,000 times, garnering more than 2 trillion impressions on social media.

Creating a tricky hashtag is an excellent way to heighten brand sensation, but remember to follow these three steps:

  • Check if it exists - Brand a thorough search on Twitter to ensure your proposed new hashtag does not be already or has not been used previously in a negative way.
  • Consider the length - A hashtag needs to be snappy and memorable. Creating a hashtag from a long phrase won't evangelize the desired results and there'south more chance of it getting mistyped. Three words or less should be enough to convey your bulletin.
  • Employ uppercase letters - Twitter hashtags are not case sensitive, but using majuscule letters makes your hashtag more readable. Compare #socialmediamarketing and #SocialMediaMarketing. Plus, information technology also helps hashtags from being misinterpreted.

Wrapping Upwardly

Hashtags are here to stay. They are and then useful for identifying topics that you can't afford to ignore them. Make sure you're using relevant hashtags on your customer'southward tweets to attain new audiences and boost brand sensation.

Free Guide: Social Media Health Check

Where Do You Put Hashtags On Twitter,


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